Jul 22, 2013 | Character Development, Philosophy, writing |
I was recently in dialogue with a reader about the use of homoeroticism in my novels. She asked if I had intentionally created a correlation between two homosexual characters (Sandrine du Préc in Cephrael’s Hand and the Prophet Bethamin in Dagger of Adendigaeth) and...
Apr 29, 2013 | Character Development, Imagination & Creativity, Plot Development, Writer's Block, writing |
As writers, we innately tend to know when our story is working and when it isn’t. I like to describe this awareness as a sort of resonance, but it could just as easily be compared to an engine with all pistons firing. A skilled mechanic can tell just by listening when...
Nov 14, 2012 | fantasy, Imagination & Creativity, reading |
“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.” –Antoine de Saint-Exupéry The importance of imagination in our lives cannot be underestimated. Imagination fuels the wheels of progress...
May 13, 2012 | Character Development, Plot Development, writing |
I was reading an article recently by Sherrinda Ketchersid on The Writers Alley Blog, where she introduces the concept of The Lie. Sherrinda wrote: “Character development hinges on The Lie. You see, your hero needs to overcome something in his life. There needs to be...