Oct 25, 2016 | Book four, Character Development, For new writers, Kingdom Blades, Organic writing, World-Building |
Many of you have been asking about my process for creating characters—how I came up with certain characters, and more generally, how I make my characters seem real. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you may have read one of my earlier posts on organic...
Apr 6, 2016 | Book four, fantasy, Kingdom Blades, New releases, Organic writing, writing |
Since I’m being asked this question many times a day in tones varying from polite interest to downright exasperation, I’m getting the idea that people might appreciate knowing where Kingdom Blades stands in the lengthy process that begins with my transcribing the...
Apr 22, 2014 | Book Three, fantasy, Imagination & Creativity, Paths of Alir, Philosophy, World-Building, writing |
Last week I finished penning the third book in my epic fantasy series and sent it off to beta readers. Paths of Alir was two years in the planning/writing, and the final clocked in around 300,000 words. (It is an epic fantasy. Providing a series is well-crafted,...
Oct 4, 2012 | fantasy, Plot Development, Story Concepts, Tropes, World-Building, writing |
The word trope is defined in most dictionaries as “a word or expression used in a figurative sense,” but trope has become reinterpreted in today’s vernacular to refer to an often overused plot device. The conflict inherent in tropes as they apply to genre literature...