May 11, 2018 | Book five, fantasy, Plot Development, Story Concepts, Uncategorized, writing |
Dearest readers: I have emerged from the singularity called Alorin to discover that six months have passed since I last updated you on the progress of book five (a fact which more than many of you have recently pointed out). I guess it’s time for an...
Oct 10, 2016 | Author-Reader interaction, Book four, Imagination & Creativity, Kingdom Blades |
I’ve been thinking about my responsibility to you as my readers, and that got me to thinking about universes. Not the kind that surround us but the kind we carry with us—worlds complete, comprising places imagined by others, populated with people not of our creation,...
Mar 30, 2015 | Cephrael's Hand, Character Development, Fantasy tropes, Inspiration, Laws and Esoterics, Organic writing, Plot Development, Story Concepts, Tropes, World-Building, writing |
To my readers: please know how much I appreciate your emails, mentions and comments! Recently, many of you have written to me asking similar questions. I thought it would be best to answer all of you here on my blog in order to give your questions adequate address....
Jan 19, 2015 | Character Development, fantasy, Fantasy tropes, Kingdom Blades, Philosophy, World-Building, writing |
It’s interesting to me how many novels, plays, poems (and even, dare I say, religions) deal with immortality without really dealing with immortality, i.e. immortality is automatically assumed, more understood than explored. In our concept, gods are immortal. In fact,...
Sep 1, 2014 | Cephrael's Hand, fantasy, Imagination & Creativity, Plot Development, Story Concepts, Tropes, World-Building, writing |
A reader recently wrote to me and asked, how do you write a novel when every time you start (oh, so many times!) you get a few chapters in and suddenly become deluged with doubts? And how, when you’re so well-read in the genre that you’ve read it all and seen it all a...