Oct 25, 2016 | Book four, Character Development, For new writers, Kingdom Blades, Organic writing, World-Building |
Many of you have been asking about my process for creating characters—how I came up with certain characters, and more generally, how I make my characters seem real. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you may have read one of my earlier posts on organic...
Jun 5, 2015 | Allegory in fantasy, Book Three, fantasy, Fantasy tropes, Paths of Alir, Philosophy, Series mythology |
Destiny versus choice, fate versus free will—these are core concepts in fantasy. Whether addressed indirectly (“You were born to save the world”) or as a subject of the character’s growth (“Accept this role and take up your sword”), the concepts often form the woof...
Apr 21, 2015 | Allegory in fantasy, Character Development, fantasy, Kingdom Blades, Paths of Alir, Philosophy, Story Concepts |
A reader wrote in to me recently and mentioned that while she didn’t have the same visceral reaction to a particular scene (no spoilers) as many other readers had, she didn’t like that one of the characters had to use sex as part of the resolution of the...