Jun 5, 2015 | Allegory in fantasy, Book Three, fantasy, Fantasy tropes, Paths of Alir, Philosophy, Series mythology |
Destiny versus choice, fate versus free will—these are core concepts in fantasy. Whether addressed indirectly (“You were born to save the world”) or as a subject of the character’s growth (“Accept this role and take up your sword”), the concepts often form the woof...
Mar 30, 2015 | Cephrael's Hand, Character Development, Fantasy tropes, Inspiration, Laws and Esoterics, Organic writing, Plot Development, Story Concepts, Tropes, World-Building, writing |
To my readers: please know how much I appreciate your emails, mentions and comments! Recently, many of you have written to me asking similar questions. I thought it would be best to answer all of you here on my blog in order to give your questions adequate address....
Jan 19, 2015 | Character Development, fantasy, Fantasy tropes, Kingdom Blades, Philosophy, World-Building, writing |
It’s interesting to me how many novels, plays, poems (and even, dare I say, religions) deal with immortality without really dealing with immortality, i.e. immortality is automatically assumed, more understood than explored. In our concept, gods are immortal. In fact,...