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3 Reasons Every Indie Author Should Be Advertising on Facebook

3 Reasons Every Indie Author Should Be Advertising on Facebook

As an independently published author, I’ve noticed a lot of advice floating around about building my author platform, establishing my brand and the importance of having a social media presence. What I haven’t seen people blogging heavily about is the value of Facebook...

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Ultimate Epic Fantasy Writer’s Playlist

Ultimate Epic Fantasy Writer’s Playlist

"Two boys arrived yesterday with a pebble they said was the head of a dog until I pointed out that it was really a typewriter." ~Pablo Picasso Inspiration comes in many forms. There are as many sources of inspiration as there are artists to be inspired. A simple turn...

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3 Things Every Indie Author Needs to Know Before Starting Out

3 Things Every Indie Author Needs to Know Before Starting Out

Paths of Alir, the third book in my award-winning epic fantasy series, released in stores on Saturday (Yay!!). Along the runway to this book release, I started my own publishing company and created the imprint Five Strands Publishing. Since starting on the indie...

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4 Steps to the Ultimate Compelling Villain

4 Steps to the Ultimate Compelling Villain

I want to talk about villains. Not the blackened-to-the-core, maniacally twisted kind or the ultimate evil, soul-devouring kind—I’d say genre fiction is all too familiar with stereotypical antagonists of this ilk. No, I want to talk about the villains you love to...

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Breaking Up With Your Novel

Breaking Up With Your Novel

Last week I finished penning the third book in my epic fantasy series and sent it off to beta readers. Paths of Alir was two years in the planning/writing, and the final clocked in around 300,000 words. (It is an epic fantasy. Providing a series is well-crafted,...

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The Use of Emotion in Storytelling

The Use of Emotion in Storytelling

  I was recently in dialogue with a reader about the use of homoeroticism in my novels. She asked if I had intentionally created a correlation between two homosexual characters (Sandrine du Préc in Cephrael’s Hand and the Prophet Bethamin in Dagger of Adendigaeth) and...

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An Amuse-bouche for Fans of A Pattern of Shadow and Light

As some of you may know, I’ve been traveling in Europe this month gathering a plethora of research for book three. Much of the third installment of A Pattern of Shadow & Light is set in the Empire of Agasan – specifically in the Sacred City of Faroqhar – which in...

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Overcoming Writer’s Block – 5 Unconventional Ideas

Overcoming Writer’s Block – 5 Unconventional Ideas

As writers, we innately tend to know when our story is working and when it isn’t. I like to describe this awareness as a sort of resonance, but it could just as easily be compared to an engine with all pistons firing. A skilled mechanic can tell just by listening when...

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Fear: The Most Undervalued Emotion in Fantasy

Fear: The Most Undervalued Emotion in Fantasy

I'm thrilled to host this guest post from fantasy author A.E. Marling (@AEMarling) in celebration of the upcoming release of his epic fantasy novel, Gravity's Revenge.  “The time for fear is past.” ~ King Theoden, The Lord of the Rings In fantasy worlds, fear is the...

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The Next Big Thing

The Next Big Thing

By some fluke of planetary alignment, divine intervention, or (possibly) my unexpectedly excellent karma, three authors have nominated me for The Next Big Thing in the same momentous weekend. I'm not sure what I've done to deserve such an honor, but I accept with...

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Contest Winners – Cephrael’s Hand Whirlwind Tour Wrapup

Contest Winners – Cephrael’s Hand Whirlwind Tour Wrapup

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Cephrael's Hand whirlwind tour by posting reviews, excerpts, interviews, and reviews. I am incredibly grateful for your generous support and interest!   I’m pleased to announce the winners of our big contests...

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Epic fantasy contest, epic prizes, what could be better?

Epic fantasy contest, epic prizes, what could be better?

Okay everyone, it's time to get creative and compete for huge prizes as part of Novel Publicity's Cephrael's Hand Whirlwind Tour. We’re hosting one gigantic contest with two separate parts, which means you can enter once, twice… as many times as you like! Help me...

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